Tuesday, November 8, 2011

My Goals

Today I will write down my goals for ROTC in my junior year in high school. The reason why I write my goals down is because there is a need that I have to share them with you all.

Here are my goals: Pick up 2 more bars before the end of the 2011-2012 school year. Hit multiple homeruns and grand slams in softball. Get a handful of sacks, interceptions, and pick-sixes in flag football. Run a 9 minute mile. Beast up the house, etc. I am playing in the Army vs Navy game, hopefully on the defensive side of the field. I am also starting left fielder for the softball team. I am batting 6th in the line up and I am the back up catcher.


  1. Hi Sean, wow you have a lot of goals but it's a good idea to write them down and put them out in the world, makes you more accountable. I've heard that people achieve more of their goals when they write them down and share them. Good luck! I'm an Aussie so can you explain what "beasting up the house" means. It sounds scary

  2. *Gets in line behind Valerie* Yes, I want to know what 'Beast up the house, etc.' means as well. I'm intrigued thinking of all the meanings that could fit. LOL.
