Sunday, November 20, 2011

...Is Fun Because...Free Verse

Fishing is fun because you never know how many fish you're gonna catch
Rock hunting is fun because you don't know what rocks are in the desert
ROTC is fun because there is something new everyday
Softball is fun because you don't know if you're gonna hit, strikeout or walk
Flag football is fun because you don't know if your team is going to win or lose or maybe even tie

Baseball is fun because you don't know if you're gonna hit, walk or even maybe strikeout
Boy Scouts is fun because there is always something new going on at the meetings
Soccer is fun because you never know who is going to score the most
Hockey is fun because you never know who is going to punch whose lights
Rugby is fun because it just looks flat right out interesting to the point where I don't know what the rules are and how to play it


  1. Reading Sean's blog is fun because you never know what he's going to write about next.

  2. That's so true, V. He's got some terrific ones coming up this week. :D

